About the Webinar

Welcome to the official website of the  International Webinar on Speech Emotion Recognition Using ML (IWSERUML-2023) (-2023). The conference/Webinar will be held online. The Webinar will be organized by ITRESEARCH in Association with Institute of Research and Journals-IRAJ on 01st Feb 2023.

This webinar will uncover the human beings speech is amongst the most natural way to express ourselves. We depend so much on it that we recognize its importance when resorting to other communication forms like emails and text messages where we often use emojis to express the emotions associated with the messages. As emotions play a vital role in communication, the detection and analysis of the same is of vital importance in today’s digital world of remote communication.

Features of the webinar

The objective features of webinars will uncover the speech emotion recognition can be solved by analyzing one or more of these features. Choosing to follow the lexical features would require a transcript of the speech which would further require an additional step of text extraction from speech if one wants to predict emotions from real-time audio. Similarly, going forward with analysing visual features would require the excess to the video of the conversations which might not be feasible in every case while the analysis on the acoustic features can be done in real-time while the conversation is taking place as we’d just need the audio data for accomplishing our task.

Who can attend our live webinar ?


Business Leaders

Research Scholars




Researchers & Innovators

All the Stakeholders (both Academia & Industry)


Note : Only attendees who will attend the whole Webinar will be eligible to receive the certificate of Participation.

  • E-Certificate will be provided to all the participants.
  • Recorded Video of the webinar series will be shared to all the participants.
  • To get connected with professionals all across the globe.
  • Experts/Speakers Documents(PPT(s),PDF(s) and Tutorial Video(s) etc.) of the webinar will be shared to all the participants.
  • Research and Publication assistance will be provided in all fields.

Webinar at a glance

International Webinar on Speech Emotion Recognition Using ML (IWSERUML-2023) will be an engaging online event where World’s round and eminent industry and academic expert speakers will deliver the presentation to a large audience who participate by submitting questions, responding to polls, and using other available interactive tools. It is an event held on conventional analysis of time signals, any periodic component (for example, echoes) shows up as sharp peaks in the corresponding frequency spectrum (i.e. Fourier spectrum. This is obtained by applying a Fourier transform on the time signal). Any cepstrum feature is obtained by applying Fourier Transform on a spectrogram. The special characteristic of MFCC is that it is taken on a Mel scale which is a scale that relates the perceived frequency of a tone to the actual measured frequency.

Our Associates

upcoming conference


                Exploratory Data Analysis
Emotion Distribution of Gender
Variation in Energy Across  Emotions
Selection of Train Test Data 
Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients
 Data Sources         

Our Expert Speaker

Dr. Gaurav Agarwal

Assistant Professor in KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad

For More Details Contact

Conference Coordinator


+91-8280047516 (Call / Whatsapp)