About the Webinar

Welcome to the official website of the  International Webinar on Transgender sensitization (IWTS-2022). The conference/Webinar will be held online. The Webinar will be organized by IRAJ WEBINARS in Association with Institute of Research and Journals-IRAJ on 13th Oct 2022.

Features of the webinar

The objective features of webinars are the Trans persons are particularly vulnerable to human rights violations when their name and sex details in official documents do not match their gender identity or expression. Today, however, the vast majority of trans and gender-diverse persons in the world do not have access to gender recognition by the State. That scenario creates a legal vacuum and a climate that tacitly fosters stigma and prejudice against them.

At the root of the acts of violence and discrimination lies the intent to punish based on preconceived notions of what the victim's gender identity should be, with a binary understanding of what constitutes a male and a female, or the masculine and the feminine. These acts are invariably the manifestation of deeply entrenched stigma and prejudice, irrational hatred and a form of gender-based violence, driven by an intention to punish those seen as defying gender norms.

Who can attend our live webinar ?


Business Leaders

Research Scholars




Researchers & Innovators

All the Stakeholders (both Academia & Industry)


Note : Only attendees who will attend the whole Webinar will be eligible to receive the certificate of Participation.

  • E-Certificate will be provided to all the participants.
  • Recorded Video of the webinar series will be shared to all the participants.
  • To get connected with professionals all across the globe.
  • Experts/Speakers Documents(PPT(s),PDF(s) and Tutorial Video(s) etc.) of the webinar will be shared to all the participants.
  • Research and Publication assistance will be provided in all fields.

Webinar at a glance

International Webinar on Transgender sensitization (IWTS-2022) will be an engaging online event where World’s round and eminent industry and academic expert speakers will deliver the presentation to a large audience who participate by submitting questions, responding to polls, and using other available interactive tools. It is an event held on the Gender identity refers to each person's deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender, which may or may not correspond with the sex assigned at birth including the personal sense of the body (which may involve, if freely chosen, modification of bodily appearance or function by medical, surgical or other means) and other expressions of gender, including dress, speech and mannerisms.1 The term "gender-diverse" is used to refer to persons whose gender identity, including their gender expression, is at odds with what is perceived as being the gender norm in a particular context at a particular point in time, including those who do not place themselves in the male/female binary; the more specific term "trans" is used to describe persons who identify with a different sex than the one assigned to them at birth.

Our Associates

upcoming conference


  • Social inclusion
  • Thematic reports
  • Legal Gender Recognition
  • Challenges of Trans people
  • Lack of legal protection
  • Triggering Early Anticipatory Action

Our Expert Speaker

Dr. Sheveta Sehgal

Assistant Professor Political Science Department Mata Gujri college Sh. Fathegarh Sahib. Punjab (INDIA).

For More Details Contact

Conference Coordinator


+91-8280047516 (Call / Whatsapp)