About the Webinar

Welcome to the official website of the  International Webinar on Research Paper Writing and Publication in Good Impact Journal (IWRPJ-2021). The conference/Webinar will be held online. The Webinar will be organized by in Association with Institute of Research and Journals-IRAJ on 20th Apr 2021.

Features of the webinar

This webinar series is for any researchers, professors, academicians, students, industry persons in the field of engineering, science & technology, management, arts & science, life science interested in writing research articles, publishing their research articles in reputed journals and advancing their career. This webinar series focus on how to write a research paper and review paper, how to write a journal abstract and the tips for getting accepted in reputed journals, tips for writing the journal articles to get published in SCOPUS, SCI journals, the process of publishing in an academic journal and research methodology and the selection of publishing their research work, structure of a Journal paper, citations , plagiarism and the process of calculating impact factor.

Who can attend our live webinar ?


Business Leaders

Research Scholars




Researchers & Innovators

All the Stakeholders (both Academia & Industry)


Note : Only attendees who will attend the whole Webinar will be eligible to receive the certificate of Participation.

  • E-Certificate will be provided to all the participants.
  • Recorded Video of the webinar series will be shared to all the participants.
  • To get connected with professionals all across the globe.
  • Experts/Speakers Documents(PPT(s),PDF(s) and Tutorial Video(s) etc.) of the webinar will be shared to all the participants.
  • Research and Publication assistance will be provided in all fields.

Webinar at a glance

International Webinar on Research Paper Writing and Publication in Good Impact Journal (IWRPJ-2021) will be an engaging online event where World’s round and eminent industry and academic expert speakers will deliver the presentation to a large audience who participate by submitting questions, responding to polls, and using other available interactive tools. It is an event held on the research article in the Journal with High Impact Factor will advance your academic life and career in the future. Excellent technical writing skills are needed to explain the results of your research to journal editors quickly.

Features of the webinar

The objective features of Research Paper Writing and Publication in Good Impact Journal is encouraging to have a paper published in a relevant journal. It is very prestigious for an author to have a large number of citations for his/her papers. So it is important that the paper should have certain criteria to be well recognized. Of these criteria are: the topic and its importance, methodology of research, the art of writing, way of presenting results, integration of sections....etc.

Our Associates

upcoming conference


  • Selection of a Journal
  • Research Methodology
  • Structure of a Manuscript
  • Presentation of results and discussion
  • Tools for manuscript quality improvement
  • Avoiding Plagiarism & Publication ethics
  • Citations and online tools for research analysis
  • Need for ORCID, Publons, SCOPUS, Google Scholar
  • Process of calculating Impact factor and its analysis
  • Sample Exercises

Our Expert Speaker

For More Details Contact

Conference Coordinator


+91-8280047516 (Call / Whatsapp)